The IoT is an umbrella term that refers to the billions of devices or “things” that are connected to the Internet. Commonly abbreviated as IoT, the Internet of Things extends the power of the Internet beyond our modern computers and smartphones to a whole array of other “things”. This giant network of connected devices collect and share information about the way they are used and the world around them. Even though this new concept has become the next big technology revolution of the 21st century, some people might still find it confusing. That’s why we’ll try to explore the digital phenomena that has been around for many years now, a little deeper.
In short, if you own anything like wearable fitness devices that measure your heart beat and the number of steps you walk per day, a self-driving car with complex sensors that detect objects in its path, or a simple lightbulb that can be switched on using a smartphone app, you are an active IoT user. You see, we don’t think about them as IoT gadgets but just smart devices improving our lives and automating our homes. But the truth is, today with the help of IoT, everyday objects and devices are connected to the Internet. And that’s what it’s all about.
IoT is also more than making your dumb devices smarter by giving them the ability to send data over the Internet. On a bigger scale, we can see IoT in action with smart cities projects filling entire regions with sensors and captors helping us understand and control the environment. With its industrial application in several environments such as Manufacturing, Retail, Logistics, Banks, Insurance, Connected Homes & Smart Buildings, Food services, Smart Cities, Hospitality, Healthcare, and more, the Internet of Things is on the right track to make the world smarter by connecting the physical and the digital.
As it is growing exponentially and transforming each asset of our everyday lives in a smarter way and with minimal human intervention, IoT also benefits businesses by generating new business models and revenue streams, increasing productivity and efficiency of business operations, enhancing customer experience and providing cost-effective solutions.