Smart stores
Mall traffic can be analysed across several boutiques located in the mall so that you can analyse the entire shopping journey and experience of the customers. Foot traffic monitoring can provide insightful data on whether a particular product or service is attracting customers, what are the needs of the visitors and how to adjust store layouts for a more efficient shopping. The in-store experience can be personalised to encourage customer satisfaction and retention.
Smart supply chains
Moving merchandise more efficiently is one of the ultimate goals of shopping malls. Through smart transportation applications, suppliers and retailers can track their merchandise and optimise their routes to cut down costs and ensure timely delivery of products and services.
Energy and costs savings
Shopping malls management can effectively track and monitor electricity and water consumption as well as temperature levels, humidity and air conditioning. This can definitely relieve tenants from supercharged fees regarding their consumption and enhance sustainability through the adequate use of resources.
Intelligent parking
Sometimes, looking for a vacant spot in the parking lot can be a real nightmare! It takes on average, around 10 mins to find a free space and this increases pollution, produces traffic jams, causes anxiety and frustration to the driver and wastes fuel unnecessarily. To avoid all of these, IoT can provide shopping malls with the appropriate technology to optimise parking spaces, increase customer experience and reduce carbon footprint.
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